Welcome to my website! This site exists for me to scream about my interests or whatever I want really.
This is a continuous work in progress as I add and/or remove content/pages or even redesign the whole thing so some things may change around on a semi-regular basis depending on how busy I am.
If some pages looked unfinished, its because they are and I am getting around to finishing them eventually.
General content warning for language. If I ever add more adult content, it'll be labelled.
As always, site is best viewed on desktop, but it should be useable on mobile. Enjoy :D
<- site button

- quietly removing some pages :) (they might come back at a later date)
- made homepage fully into two columns
- added to app defaults (6 new)
- added to page ideas
- added to cool sites on homepage (1 new)
- added guestbook link
- created page ideas list
- joined x-files fanlisting
- made site button
- added links to identity pages on thoughts
- added missing link to graphics page from collections
- miscellaneous formatting/cleaning up